
			[Meeting of Directors held at
			Exchange Hotel Liverpool on
			Tuesday August 13th 1935]

		Present:- Mr. W. C. Cuff (chair) & all other Directors
		with the exception of Messrs H. Banks & J. Sharp.

Minutes			Minutes of meeting held on the 7th inst.
		were read & confirmed.

Finance			Cheques were signed for the following:-
		Tyson's Ltd.		Bldg & Pointing	    1st Instal.	£500.0.0
		C. R. Harris		Passage & Turnstiles 2nd do	£300.0.0
		Mellowes & Co. Ltd  	Glazing		     1st do	£500.0.0
		Turners Asbestos Co.	Roofing		     1st do	£600.0.0
		A. Leitch & Partners 	Strong Room	     1st & final£ 60.2.0
		Theo Kelly		Wages				£231.5.0
			Bank Balance Cr. £4411.4.3

Messrs Banks & McIntosh	Dr. C. S. Baxter reported  Mr. Banks
		condition to be unaltered & the Board approved
		the letter sent by the Chairman to the Secretary
		copy of which was read.

Doctors Report		Dr. W. J. Davies reported all players fit
		excepting Stein, Cook & Coulter.

Teams			The following teams were chosen:-
		Practice Match, Aug 17th.
		Blues- Sagar, Williams, Cresswell, Britton, White, Thomson,
		Geldard, Miller, Dean, Hartill or Stevenson, Leyfield.

		Whites :- King, Jackson, Jones, Mercer, Gee, Archer, Hughes,
		Cunliffe, Dickinson or Hartill. Stevenson or Hannon, Sandham.

R. Siddell		Decided to engage this boy as an
					 s d
		Office Boy at a wage of 12/6 weekly.

Players Training	Trainer Cooke having recommended
		a full days golf, it was agreed that the  players go to
		Ormskirk course on the 19th inst. for this purpose.