30 [Meeting of Directors held at Exchange Hotel, Liverpool on Wednesday, 7th August. 1935] Present:- Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors except- ing Messrs A. Coffey, H. Banks, Dr. C. S. Baxter. Minutes The Minutes of Meeting held on 18th July, were read & confirmed. Finance Cheques were signed for the Following:- Marine F. C. 1st Instalment Rent £50.0.0 Theo. Kelly Wages £231.5.0 Bank Balance £6787.17.10 Cr. Messrs Banks & Acting Secy. reported Mr. Banks to be very McIntosh much the same & the Chairman after Speaking of an interview he had had with the Secy. was requested to see Mr. McIntosh & tell him that the Board had granted him 6 months Leave of Absence. Doctor's Report Dr. W. T. Davies & Mr. T. P. McMurray's reports on Cook, Coulter & Stein were read. Captain & Sub Capt. W. R. Dean was elected Captain & J. R. Thomson Vice Capt. for Season 1935-6. Agreed that the Chairman interview Dean before the season's start. Catering {(28)} Letter read from Mecca Cafes Ltd. & decided that the heads of the agreement as outlined therein, be entered into. Letter read from City Caterer. Agreed that there was nothing further to add to the decision of the last meeting. {(34)} Barker & Dobson's Letter read from this firm re a further 3 years contract. Decided that the present contrast stand & that the whole business of Catering &c be gone into at the conclusion of the current season. {(148)} Journey to Portsmouth Decided to stop at Southsea on Sept. 3rd, & in London for the evening of the 4th, retiring to L'pool next day.