28 Joiner It was decided to employ a joiner at Trade Union Rate of Pay, the matter being left in the hands of the Chairman. {(35)} Lost Script It was decided to issue new Share Certificate to the Exors of J. H. Cotgreave, against the indemnity given. Lancs. Cup 1st Rnd. Reported that we were drawn to play Manchester Utd. (a) on Oct. 2nd. & in the event of a draw to reply here on Oct. 9th. {(181)} T. Coleman Application from this ex player for a position as Scout in the South was not entertained. Donations Appeals for Donations to Cockerell St. M. H. & Dovecot Unemployed Committee were not entertained. Ground Work {(16)} Letter read from the Architects reporting that the work was progressing satisfactorily & that it had been found necessary to do several additional small jobs to aid the alterations. {(47)} Letters of Thanks Letters of Thanks read from Marine F. C. Chester & District League, & Programme Syndicate. Catering The Secretary submitted the following See f.o. 30 correspondence by the Mecca Cafes, viz:- 28th June, 1935, to the Secy.; 6th July, 1935, to the Chairman; 15th July, 1935, to the Chairman; embodying the terms of a tender for catering rights at Goodison Park for a term of seven years. {(30)} The Chairman reported an interview he had had with the local General Manager of that firm & that the tenders contemplated securing a license for the sale of intoxicants with food. After discussion it was resolved that subject as follows the tender be accepted, viz:- 1. Par. 4. Subject to an existing Contract whereby the selling rights of chocolates and sweetmeats are vested in Barker & Dobson, Ltd. 2. Par. 5. The agreement to be terminable on June 30th 1936 by notice in writing given by