25 [Meeting of Directors held at Exchange Hotel, Liverpool, on Wednesday, 19th June, 1935.] Present:- Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all Directors excepting Messrs H. Banks & J. Sharp. Minutes The Minutes of Meeting held on 8th & 23rd ultimo & 13th inst. were confirmed. Finance It was reported that all Sundry Dr. A/cs excepting that of Blyth Spartans F. C. had now been paid, & that we had received Repayment of Income Tax for £424.7.0 Cheques were signed for:- Thos. Cook & Sons Ltd. Bal. Tour Exes. £151.11.4 C. R. Harris O. L. a/c work at Ground£200.0.0 Theo. Kelly Staff Wages £67.5.0 Bank Balance £17768.18.7 Cr. Messrs Banks & McIntosh Dr. C. S. Baxter reported on the condition of these gentlemen. Letter read from Mr. McIntosh thanking the Board for their expressions of good-will. Election of Chairman Mr. A. Coffey proposed the re-election of Mr. W. C. Cuff & Mr. W. C. Gibbins seconded this, the pro- posal being carried unanimously. do Vice Chairman Mr. W. C. Gibbins & Mr. G. Evans seconded that Mr. E. Green be re-elected, and this also was carried unanimously. Sub Committees The following were re-elected in bloc. Finance:- Messrs A. Coffey, W. C. Gibbins, J, Sharp & G. Evans. Ground:- Messrs E. Green, H. Banks, J. Sharp & Dr. C. S. Baxter. Stores:- Messrs W. C. Gibbins, A. Coffey, & Dr. C. S. Baxter. Day & Hour of Meetings This to remain as before except in case {Quorum} of emergency. W. Cook It was agreed that the Chairman have a word with this player regarding his conduct, before the new season commences.