22 He referred to the serious illnesses attending Messrs H. Banks or T. H. McIntosh & with the accord of the meeting, promised to convey their best wishes to both. Following the F. A. Cupties, we had sustained a chapter of accidents to players, rarely if ever equalled, but it was not to be hoped that we had reached the conclusion of these, & all would be glad to know that Sagar, Cook, Coulter & Stein were progressing favorably. The team had maintained the high Everton standard & at the conclusion of the season, going to Switzerland on Tour, had received the highest en- comiums & comparisons from Continental experts writing to the Swiss public. He himself had had the pleasure of reading translations of these eulogies. The Directors were keenly alive to the position created by the aforementioned injuries, & although not panic stricken, negotiations were in progress to make additions to playing strength of such merit as was usually associated with those who donned an Everton jersey. He paid a high tribute to the Press for their support & fair criticisms. Mr. A. N. Denaro referred to the Sundry Crs. a/c and the Chairman explained that this was largely providing for contingent liabilities. Auditor's Report Mr. H. W. Bowler then read the Auditors Report. Passing of B/S. On the proposition of the Chairman, seconded by Mr. A. Coffey, the Director's Report, Statement of A/cs & B/Sheet were unanimously adopted. Dividend It was agreed on the proposition of Mr. E. Green, seconded by Mr. W. C. Gibbins, that a Dividend of 7½% (Less Income Tax) be paid on the paid up Capital of the Company for the year ending 4th May, 1935. Election of Auditors Mr. T. A. Taylor proposed & Mr. A. Lomax seconded that Messrs T. Theodore Rogers, Bowler & Co.