
			[Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
		held in the Law Association Rooms, Cook St, Liverpool
		on Thursday, 13th June, 1935.]

		Present:- Messrs W. C. Cuff (Chair), E. Green, A. Coffey,
		W. C. Gibbins, J. Sharp, A. R. Wade & G. Evans (Directors)
		& 46 Shareholders.

		The Asst. Secy. read the Notice convening the Meeting.

Press		It was agreed that the Press be admitted.

Directors Report &	On the Motion of the Chairman, it was
Balance Sheet	agreed that the Directors Report, Statement of Accounts,
		& Balance Sheet be taken as read.
			The Chairman in his remarks, said that
		there was no item of expenditure calling for special
		mention. The increases in Gate Division, Gate Expenses,
		v Training Exes, was entirely due to our success in
		the F. A. Cup, & this applied also to Entertainment
		Tax & League Subscriptions. The Ground had benefited
		by the improvements to the Roofing, Glazing, Pointing
		& Heating.
			Naturally, the Profit of £5353.9.11
		on the Season's working was largely due to the
		increased Receipts from the Cup Ties.
			Turning to the Balance Sheet, the Ground,
		Stands & Erections were non written down by £1755
		to £15580, whilst a Depreciation value of £1900
		had brought the Valuation of the House Property
		down to £25,900. The Directors had in view the
		demolition of the Gwladys St. property in due course.
		He stressed the great value of this Balance Sheet, and
		told the Meeting to note that although the Transfer Value
		of Players was not regarded as an Asset, never the less
		the Balance to the Credit of the Profit & Loss A/c was £59,400.