
			[Meeting of Directors held at 
			Exchange Hotel, Liverpool on
			Thursday 13th June, 1935]

		Present:- Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors
			excepting Messrs H. Banks & Dr. C. S. Baxter.

Finance			Cheques were signed for:-
		L'pool Corporation Composition Rates £248.19.0
		Players & Staff Wages amounting to:- £357.5.0
			Bank Balance £18087.14.11.

Messrs Banks &		Asst. Secy. reported on the condition
McIntosh	of these gentlemen, & it was noted that the Secretary
		was very much brighter.

Mr. McMurray's		Mr. T. P. McMurray's reports on Sagar,
Report		Cook, Coulter & Stein were read.

Reports of Annual	The various Directors attending, gave
Meetings	reports of the Associations & Leagues Annual General
		Meetings. The motion of suggested Two Referees for 1st
		& 2nd Division matches had been defeated by 31 votes
		to 18, whilst Mr. E. Green's nomination to the Lancs.
		F. A. had polled 23 votes of a total poll of 70.

Swiss Tour	(14)	Messrs Sharp & Evans spoke of the
		highly satisfactory results, on & off the field, of this
		recent tour wherein we had won 3 lost 1 & drawn 1
		match. It was agreed that Asst. Secy. make some enq-
		uiries with regard to purchasing Club Badges.

Miller (Partick)(17) 	Mr. R. Cochran reported that this player
		would be back in Glasgow on June 21st. (27)

Mooney (Airdrie)	He also stated that he was not im-
		pressed by the standard of this O. L.

Hartill (Wolves)(15)	It was reported that the Club had
		refused the offer of £2,500 for this player & Mr. A. Coffey
		stated that Wolverhampton had promised to inform us. (27)