16 [Meeting of Directors held at 6, Castle St. Liverpool Thursday May 23rd 1935] Present :- Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair), Messrs E. Green, A. Coffey, W. C. Gibbins & A. R. Wade, Other Directors in Switzerland with teams. Proposed Works at Goodison Park The Chairman read letter of the 21st inst. from Messrs Archibald, Leitch & Partners enclosing lists of estimates for various works at Goodison Park as follows:- Goodison Rd. Stripping Roof & recovering same with Stand Turners, Trafford, Tiles £824.7.0 824.7.0 Robertson's Protected Metal 1294.4.0 Reglazing Roofs of Distributing Passages 620.0.0 620.0.0 Builder's Work for Above 319.14.8} Pointing & Painting {D. D.} 392. 2.7} Goal End Stand 224.16.0} Pay Boxes & Garden Walls 122. 5.9} 1058.19.0 £2503.6.0. It was resolved that the estimate of Turner's Trafford Tiles 824.7.0 Messrs Millowes & Co Ltd. reglazing of the Distributing Passages Etc. 620.0.0 Messrs Tysons Ltd. Builder's Work Etc. 1058.19.0 be accepted on the conditions and with the provisions set out in Messrs Leitch & Partner's letter as to diminution of price in accordance with the quantities. Bullen's Rd. Mr. Green reported on Messrs Allsop's work Stand of painting at the ground & referred to the valuable services rendered by our Clerk of the Works in connection therewith. (28)