13 [Meeting of Directors held at Exchange Hotel Liverpool on Wednesday, 8th May, 1935.] Present:- Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors except Mr. H. Banks. Minutes The Minutes of Meetings held on 30th ult., & 1st & 2nd inst. also the Finance Meeting of the 2nd inst. were read & confirmed. Finance The following receipts were reported:- Gate v Sheffield Wed'y £409.2.5 do Leed Utd. Res. £34.12.1 Lancs. F. A. Share of Final Gate £27.4.0 D. Allen & Sons Hoarding Rent £75.0.0 Cheques were signed for the following:- Customs & Excise Tax £75.2.3 Theo. Kelly Wages £67.5.0 Bank Balance £18117.10.7 Cr. Mr. H. Banks This Director was reported to be much the same. Mr. T. H. McIntosh The Secretary was reported to be slightly brighter. Reports of Matches Reports were given of the matches:- v Sheffield Wed'y 2-2, v Birmingham 3-2, v Leeds Utd. Res. 4-1, v Marine 2-4. Accounts & Balance Sheet Mr. H. Bowler attended & presented the A/cs for the year ending 4th inst. & it was resolved that:- 1) The Amount due from Sundry Debtors be valued, for the purpose of the Balance Sheet at £1505.0.5 2) A depreciation of 10% be written off all Stands, Hoardings & Erections amounting to £1690.19.1; 15% off Marconiphone Equipment, amounting to £64.4.4; & off Gwladys St., property an amount of £1900.1.5. 3) A sum of £751 be reserved for contingent Liabilities and a further £6000 for contingent Transfer Fees. 4) The amount expended on Clothing & Stores £562.3.8 be written of Income & Expenditure a/c.