1 [Meeting of Directors held at Exchange Hotel Liverpool on Tuesday, 16th April, 1935.] Present:- Mr. W. C. Cuff (Chair) & all other Directors except Mr. H. Banks. Minutes The Minutes of Meeting held on 9th inst. were read & confirmed. Finance The following receipts were reported:- Gate v Middlesbrough £874.14.4 Manchester City F. C. 20% £187.15.1 Share of Gate. Geo Mahon Cup £2.4.6 Cheques were signed for the following:- Customs & Excise Tax £147.16.3 Middlesbrough F. C. 20% £105.8.0 Football League 1% £6.13.1 do Compensation £9.7.0 Leeds Utd. F. C. do £139.13.3 W. R. Dean Benefit £650.0.0 J. R. Thomson do £650.0.0 Wolverhampton Corrugated Iron Co.; Bal Roofing a/c £88.9.6 Northern Hospital Fees Coulter £5.5.0 Thos Kelly Wages & Xes. £320.0.0 Bank Balance £20882.1.11 Cr. Reports of Matches Reports were given of the matches: v Middlesbrough 1-1; v Birmingham Res. 1-4; v Skelmersdale 2-2. Dr. Trainers Report Dr. D. T. Davies & Trainer Cooke reported all player fit excepting cook, Coulter & Sagar. Cook & Coulter Reassuring Reports were given of these player Conditions & Assit. Secy. was instructed to write Dr. McMurray for a written report of Cook's case. Messrs Banks & McIntosh Dr. C. S. Baxter reported the present unchanged position with regard to their respective Conditions.