Mason (3rd Lanark) Mr. H. Hart did not fancy this I. F. but formed
a very good opinion of Carabine (F. B.).
Eaves (Oldham) Mr. J. Fare was very much impressed
by the display of this F. B.
Hoyland (Halifax) Mr. T. Fleetwood stated that this O. L. was
very small & not good enough for us.
Roberts (Plymouth) Dr. E. Hughes did not recommend this
F. B.
Clark (W. B. A.) Secy. reported that this player was not
for transfer.
"A" Team Ground (292) Agreed that work of erecting fences
at a cost of £5/10/ be undertaken at our expense.
Free passes Decided that we discontinue the
issue of these to various Juvenile Instruction
Centres & also do not entertain the request of the
Kirkdale Homes for this favor.
Letter of Thanks This read from the Workmen's Mission
Summer Holiday Fund.
Players to Watch Left to Secy. to instruct Scouts.
Practice match Confirming the Chairman's recommendation
Distributions these were allocated as per list on opposite page.
Next Meeting Tuesday the 31st inst. at 5.15 pm.
Confirmed as correct
E. Green