
			[Meeting held at Xchange Hotel, Liverpool
			on Tuesday, 24th August, 1937.]

		Present:- Messrs W. C. Cuff, E. Green, W. C. Gibbins, J. Sharp, Dr.
			C. S. Baxter, G. Evans, T. Percy & Secy.

			Minutes of Meeting held on 17th inst. were
		read & confirmed.

Finance			Gate at Practice Match £125.6.7
		A cheque was signed:-
			Theo Kelly	Wages & Res.	£265.0.0
			Bank Balance £1055.17.3 Dr.

T. Gillick (249)	Mr. T. P. McMurray's report recommending a
		cartilage operation was read, & it was decided to
		have this done immediately.

P. Dougal		Confirmation was given to the signing on of this
		player for four weeks at a wage of £8 per week.

Officials Reports	Dr. G. McNichol & Trainer Cookes reports were
		presented to the Meeting.

A Team Trials		Mr. H. R. Pickering's report was read.

Teams			Following were chosen:-

		v Arsenal (h) 28th inst.
		Sagar, Jackson, Cook, Britton, Gee, Mercer, Geldard,
		Cunliffe, Dean, Stevenson, Coulter Res. Watson

		v Sheffield Wedy. (a) M/c City Res. (h) 28th & 30th inst.
		Morton, Jones J. C., Felton, Bentham, Jones T. G., Davies,
		Arthur, Bell, Lawton, Dougal, Trentham Res. Laidman.

Dr. to Sheffield	Mr. E. Green.

Captain	(250)		W. R. Dean was appointed Captain & C. S. Britton
		Vice-Captain for the coming Season, this being the 7th
		successive occasion upon which Dean had been chosen.

Buchan (Celtic)		Secy. gave a very good report of this I. R. &
		poor reports of Carruth & Boyle of the same team. He also
		saw Hogg in favorable light.