295 Connor (Sunderland) Sunderland F. C. had stated that this O. L. was unfit, & that they had no present in- tention of transferring him. Captain & Vice Captain Decision as to these appointments, was deferred until next meeting. Halifax & Dickinson It was agreed that we were not prepared to part with Dickinson at present. R. F. Felton Confirmation was given to the signing of this player on a months engagement at £4 per week. Lift Boy (84) Decided to purchase a new uniform for this employee. Unemployed Football (34) Mr. H. Hart was appointed as representative on this Committee. Players to Watch Secy. to see Buchan (Celtic) Mr. H. Hart do Mason (3rd L.) Mr. T. Fleetwood do Halifax players. Messages of Thanks Mr. Green conveyed the thanks of Mrs. Banks & J. Elliott to the Board. Next Meeting. Tuesday the 24th inst. at 5.15 p.m. Confirmed as correct. W. C. Cuff Chairman.