
			[Meeting held at Exchange Hotel
			Liverpool, Tuesday, 17th Augt, 1937]

		Present:- Messrs E. Green, A. Coffey, W. C. Gibbins, Dr.
			C. S. Baxter, G. Evans, & Secy.

			Minutes of Meeting held on 10th inst.
		were read & confirmed.

Finance			Reported that the practice match
		Gate was £247.16.7.
			Cheques were signed for:-
		J. N. Cunliffe	Benefit		£500.0.0
		Theo. Kelly	wages & Xcs.	£280.0.0
			Bank Balance Dr. 682.14.1

Official's Reports	Dr. W. T. Davies, Messrs Cooke & Hart's reports
		were given to the Meeting.

Practice Match		Following teams were chosen for the 18th inst.
		Blues:- Sagar, Jackson, Jones, Britton, Gee, Mercer,
		Gillick, Cunliffe, Dean, Cuff, Coulter.
		Whites:- Morton, Cook, Felton, Bentham, Jones T. G.,
		Watson, Geldard, Bell, Dickinson, Laidman, Trentham.

Vanx (Mansfield)	Mr. H. Hart did not consider this F. B.
		good enough for us.

Shelton (Walsall)	Mr. J. Fare could not recommend this
		L. B. who was over 6 foot & 24 years old.

Roberts (Plymouth)	Secy. stated that this R. B. was 31, 5'8¼"
		12 st 8½ & was on offer at £3000. No action taken.

Dougal (Arsenal)	Information was given that this player
		was now attached to the Burnley ground staff & was unfit.

Pearson (W. B. A.)	Secy. reported that the Football League
		had informed him that this player was 28 & was on
		transfer at £300.

Venters (Rangers)	Rangers F. C. declared that this
		player was not for transfer.