
			[Meeting of Directors held at Xchange
			Hotel, L'pool Tuesday, 10th Augt. 1937]

		Present:- Messrs W. C. Cuff, E. Green, W. C. Gibbins, Dr. C. S.
			Baxter, G. Evans & Secy.

			Minutes of Meetings called & held on 29th
		June & 1st July were read & confirmed.

Finance			A Cheque was signed for:-
		Theo. Kelly		Wages	£223.0.0
			Bank Balance £127.8.8 Dr.

Officials Reports	Dr. Davies, Messrs Cooke & Harts reports
		were given to the Meeting.

Practice Match		Teams were chosen for 14th inst.:-
		Blues :- Sagar, Jackson, Jones, Britton, Gee, Mercer,
		Gillick, Cunliffe, Dean, Stevenson, Coulter.
		Whites:- Morton, Cook, Thomson, Bentham, Jones,
		Davies, Geldard, Bell, Lawton, Cuff, Trentham.

Scottish Players	Mr. R. R. Cochran reported well of Boyle (R. B.)
		Miller (C. H.) & Carruth (I. R. ) of Celtic F. C. Mr. H. Hart was
		only impressed by Miller & also gave a good report of
		Hogg (R. B.) & Buchan. He had heard well of Mason
		(I. L.) of 3rd Lanark.

Wolves Players		Letter read that the Club were not
		intending to part with any player just now.

Wedy. Players		Reported that Sheffield were not
		prepared to part with Catlin & Robinson unless a
		very tempting offer was made.

Davies J. W.		Confirmation was given to the sign-
		ing of this player at a fee of £1550, Wages £4/10/-
		& £6, & Signing on Bonus of £10.

Ford (P. V.)		Secy. reported having offered £650
		for this player, but that Port Vale would only accept
		£1000. Decided that the position be left so, meanwhile