289 of our offer for Davies, same would be withdrawn. It was decided that the Secretary endeavour to secure the transfer of Ford (I. L.) of Port Vale, at a figure not exceeding £750. A letter was read from P. Angus, stating that he could not now accept our offer of a trial. Secretary was instructed to negotiate with Prescot Cables F. C. regarding the possibility of our securing Kilshaw (O. L.) for a Season's trial. Letters were read from Mr. R. R. Cochran regarding Kingham (O. L.) of Queen's Park. Dickinson, A. (203) Confirmation was given to the offer of this player to Halifax Town F. C. at a fee of £500. Players on Transfer List read from Derby County F. C. but no action taken. Scottish Players Mr. H. R. Pickering gave a very good report of Hughes, (O. L ) of Petershill, 16, but small, & a poor report of Donald (G.) of Renfrew. St. Lukes Church (287) It was agreed that we undertake the erection of the proposed new wall at an approx- imate cost of £60. Radiologist. (287) Mr. A. M. Rothbard's suggestions were given to the meeting, but it was decided that we were not prepared to consider these at the moment. Pressmen. (235) It was decided that our past attit- ude with regards to the entertainment of Pressmen be continued. Bands. (285) Quotations were given from 14 Bands & it was agreed that the Chairman be left to decide as between the Cheshire Lines & the Kirkdale Silver Bands, after further particulars had been obtained. Insurances There being no overlapping in these, it was agreed that we continue as heretofore.