
		Stores:- Messrs Gibbins & Coffey & Dr. C. S. Baxter.

Quorum			Tour Directors to form a Quorum.

Reports of London Mtgs. Messrs Cuff & Green & Secy. detailed
		the more important decisions arrived at these
		meetings of the Football Association, Football League &
		Central League.

New Wolves Players (277) As a result of discussions in
		London the various players considered were as follows:-

			The Chairman reported that Mr. A. H. Oakley
		had promised us first call on any players that they
		were prepared to transfer.

			It was reported that Chester F. C. were
		prepared to accept £2000 for Davies. Agreed that
		the Secy. make a firm offer to the Club of £1,500.

			Sheffield Wedy. F. C. having stated
		that they would consider parting with Caltin &
		Robinson, it was decided that an offer of £10,000
		be made for the two players.

			It being reported that Port Vale F. C.
		had a very good I. F. named Ford 17½, 5'9½" & 10st 10,
		Secy. instructed to ask what price they required.

New Stand (276)		Chairman reported his interview
		with the Vicar of St. Lukes, & it was agreed
		that at the earliest opportunity, the ground Comee.
		meet Mr. A. Leitch & the representatives of the Church,
		to discuss their suggestions.

Scoreboards (187) 	Agreed that Mr. Leitch be instructed
		to obtain estimates.

Band or Loud Speakers(285) Decided to advertise for a suitable
		band to be used in {co-operation} conjunction with our ampli-
		fying equipment.

Practice Ground (285)	Estimates were reported for suggested
		work but it was decided that consideration
		be deferred for one year.