
			[Meeting held at Exchange Hotel L'pool
			on Tuesday, 10th June, 1937]

		Present:- Messrs W. C. Cuff (Chair), E. Green, A. Coffey, W. C. Gibbins,
			  J. Sharp, C. S. Baxter, G. Evans, T. Percy & Secy.

			Minutes of Meetings held on the 3rd inst.
		were read & confirmed.

Finance			Cheques were signed for:-

		Lancashire F. A		Share of deficiency	£26.6.11
		W. C. Cuff	 Legal Fees re 32, Gwladys St.	 £6.12.6
		Theo. Kelly		   Wages	       £383.10.0
			Bank Balance £10489.10.9 Cr.

H. Banks Esq.		The death of this Director was recorded
		with sorrow, & Secy. was instructed to send a
		letter of condolence to Mr. Banks. Letter of sympathy
		were read from Liverpool & Tranmere Rovers F. C's.

Chairman		Mr. W. C. Cuff was unanimously elected
		Chairman on the proposition of Mr. A. Coffey, seconded
		by Mr. W. C. Gibbins. A hearty vote of thanks was
		recorded for his past year's services.

Vice Chairman		On the proposition of Mr. Gibbins
		seconded by Dr. C. S. Baxter, Mr. E. Green was unan-
		imously elected Vice-Chairman.

			These Officers returned thanks for
		the renewed confidence of their colleagues & it was
		noted that this was the sixteenth successive
		year of their election in their respective offices.

Vacancy on Board (130)	It was resolved that the consideration
		of filling the vacancy caused by the lamented death of
		Mr. Harry Banks be deferred indefinitely.

Sub-Committee's		The following were appointed:-
		Finance:- Messrs Coffey, Gibbins, Sharp & Evans.
		Ground:-   do    Green, Baxter, Evans & Percy.