282 the playing strength was uppermost in the minds of the Board, but they had not & were not going to be stampeded into paying colossal sums for players. However the Shareholders could rest assured that negotiations were in progress for the acquisition of new men whose signing would gladden their hearts. He could not say more. Questions were asked by Mr. A. Denaro regarding the Boys Pen, the Music at Matches & the "A" Team, to which the Chairman replied. Auditors Report Mr. H. W. Bowler then read the Auditors Report. Passing of B/S. On the proposition of the Chairman seconded by Mr. E. Green the Directors Report, Accounts & Balance Sheet were unanimously adopted. Dividend It was agreed on the proposition of Mr. G. Evans, seconded by Mr. W. C. Gibbins, that a Dividend of 7½% (Less Income Tax) be paid on the paid up Capital of the Company for the year ending 1st May 1937. Election of Auditors Messrs T. Theodore Rogers Bowler & Co. were re-elected Auditors at a fee of Sixty Guineas on the proposition of Mr. W. Goodge seconded by Mr. T. A. Taylor. Election of Directors There being no nominations, the Chairman declared the retiring Directors, Messrs E. Green, C. S. Baxter, & T. Percy elected for the ensuing 3 years. Mr. E. Green on behalf of the re-elected Directors thanked the Shareholders for their confidence in them. Players Signed. Secretary read out the following list of players for Season 1937-8. PLAYERS SIGNED FOR SEASON 1937-8. Goalkeepers :- E. SAGAR, H. MORTON. Full Backs :- w. COOKS, G. JACKSON, J. E. JONES, R. LAMBERT, J. THOMSON. Half Backs :- C. BRITTON, C. W. GEE, J. MERCER, S. J. BENTHAM, T. G. JONES, T. G. WATSON, M. LINDLEY, W. EDWARDS. Forwards :- A. GELDARD, J. CUNLIFFE, W. R. DEAN, A. STEVENSON, T. GILLICK, J. COULTER, T. LAWTON, R. C. BELL, C. WEBSTER, A. DICKINSON, J. CUFF, E. HUREL, F. LAIDMAN, J. ARTHUR, W. HULLETT, D. TRENTHAM, H. CATTERICK. {W. C. Cuff}