			[Annual General Meeting of Shareholder
			held in Law Association Rooms
			Cook St. Thursday, 3rd June, 1937.]

		Present:- Messrs W. C. Cuff (Chair), E. Green, A. Coffey,
			W. C. Gibbins, J. Sharp, Dr. C. S. Baxter, G. Evans,
			T. Parcy & Secy. & Fifty five Shareholders.

			Secy. read the notice convening the
			It was agreed that the Press
		be admitted.

Directors Report B/S	On the motion of the Chairman it
		was agreed that these should be taken as read.
			He briefly went through the items
		of Income & Expenditure & invited questions but
		none were asked.
			He spoke of the determination of
		the Board to see that the estate was kept right
		up to date, & how, in accordance with that
		policy, work had now began on the erection
		of a new double-decker stand on the site of
		the Gwladys St. property; - property which had
		been bought as long ago as 1914, with this
		specific object in view. The increased accommodation was
		likely to be available for the opening match of 1937-8,
		& nothing now remained but to provide a team worthy
		of the ground & of the support that had been given
		for years past. The past season had been a disappointing
		one:- that disappointment being largely due to the lack
		of success on the field in away engagements, although
		financially a loss of £8000 odd in 1935-6 had been
		turned to a profit of £3,332 in 1936-7.
			As last year, the intention to improve