278 [Meeting held at Exchange Hotel, L'pool, Thursday, 3rd June, 1937.] Present:- Mr.W. C. Cuff (Chair), E. Green, A. Coffey, W. C. Gibbins, J. Sharp, C. S. Baxter, G. Evans, T. Percy & Sec'y. Minutes of Meeting held on 4th May, were read & confirmed. Finance Cheques were signed:- L'pool Corporn. Rates £158.10. 4 R. R. Cochrane Wages & Xcs. £ 19. 1. 0 W. Laine do £ 9.10. 5 Dividend a/c 1936-7 £109.10.11 Theo Kelly Staff Wages £ 70. 0. 0 Bank Balance £10928.15.9 H. Banks Dr. C. S. Baxter reported that this Director was in a very low condition. F. A. Tour (147) W. C. Cuff reported on the great success attending the Scandinavian Tour & a letter of thanks & appreciation of Brittons services, from the F. A. was read. Danish Tour (270) Messrs Coffey, Gibbins, & Evans gave re- ports of the matches at Copenhagen 4-3, 4-1, & 0-0, The tour had been successful from every point of view. Payne (Luton) (225) Messrs Green & Evans detailed their interview with the Luton officials, who were prepared to buy rather than sell. They had already refused an offer of £10,000 for this player. Bryn Jones (Wolves) (278) Secy. stated that this player could be got, but at a very high price. Scottish Player (147) Buchan (Celtic). Mr. E. Green was not pre- pared to say that this player was better than Cunliffe. His failing was like Miller & McGourty, in withholding a challenge for a dropping ball. Mr. H. Hart & R. R. Cochran