276 reports of this W. H. B. Mr. Fleetwood was very much impressed with his ability & promise. Rutherford (Southport) Mr. Fleetwood could not say anything in this goalkeeper's favour. Armistead (Morecambe) Mr. H. Hart did not consider this F. B. to be of Central League standard. Ellerington Mr. W. Laine's report was read about this 15½ yr old schoolboy, who was captain of the English Boy's Team & it was agreed that he should make further enquries re- garding this boy, & his immediate prospects. New Stand (264) Mr. A. Leitch's letter read, stating that the work on this would commence on the 10th inst. Ground Committee (269) The recommendation of this Committee was approved; that tenders be invited for the repainting of the gutters, &c. on the Goodison Rd. Stand. F. A. Training Course Agreed that as in former years, Messrs W. E. Cooke & A. J. Tucker attend this at leeds in July. L'pool County F. A. (164) Decided that we nominate Mr. W. C. Gibbins as a Vice President & the Secretary as a Member of the Executives. Players Training (235) Agreed that the players be called up for training as from the 30th July, 1937. Practice Matches (148) Confirmation was given to an application for these to take place on the 14th & 18th August 1937. "A" Team Medals (148) As in former occasions, it was agreed to add a further Ten Pounds to the amount allocated by the L'pool County Combination. Players on Transfer (263) List read from Chesterfield F. C. but no action taken. Transfer of Shares (272) The following transfers were approved:- Share no. 2176 from F. M. Crawford to W. Porter. do 1028 do do to M. Love do 1027 do do to A. Love do 2431 & 886 do A & C. Ribton to C. Ribton.