275 the Company be held at the (Law Association Rooms, Liverpool) on (Thursday, the 3rd June, 1937) at (7.30) pm. It was decided that the Auditors take control of the admission to the Meeting & that they be authorised to obtain any necessary assistance. It was also decided that they dispatch Notices of the Meeting & Copies of the Balance Sheet & Accounts to the Shareholders. Directorate Secy. reported that no nominations had been received before midnight of 1st May, 1937. Cunliffe Mr. W. C. Cuff stated that this player had requested a revision of the amount of Benefit granted to him. After discussion it was ultimately decided that the amount granted at the last Meeting, namely, £500, be adhered to. Siddell (146) The Chairman also reported upon his interview with this Member of the Staff, & it was agreed that he be offered a position on the ground Staff at 25/- per week, during the pleasure of the Board. Results Dr. C. S. Baxter gave a report of the match v Oldham Ath. Res 5-1. F. L. Meeting The Chairman reported upon the main items discussed at the Meeting in London, of the 30th ult. F. A. Cup Final Reports of this match were given by the Directors present. Payne (Luton) Mr. E. Green re-iterated his report of the 2nd inst. Hayes (H'field T.) Mr. F. W. Lake gave a good report of this R. B. who was 5'7" or 5'8". He compared favorably with Morris (W'ton). Rowley (Bournemouth) Secy. gave a good report of this 18 yr. old O. L. & stated that although he did not imagine him to be a first class player, he had all the attributes for his age & was extreme by promising. He was a player of the direct, go-ahead type. Davies (Chester) Messrs Fare & Fleetwood gave favorable