272 could not recommend Walker (G) of Darlington & that Rutherford of Southport, had nothing of moment to do. A. Roberts (S'ton) Letter read from this L. B. but no action taken. Use of Practice Ground Request from L'pool North Division of Girl Guides for use of practice ground was not acceded to, owing to prospective alterations. Letter of Thanks This read from Ellesmere port Schools F. A. Donation (265) Fifteen pounds was granted to the L'pool County F. A. Benevolent Fund, and, Transfer of Shares (265) Following transfers were approved:- Shares Nod. 808 & 2236 from Exors. Sm. Crosbie to A. R. Crosbie. (276) do 616 & 2271 do do G. H. Glover to L. C. H. Jones. Donation (265) Five Guineas was granted to the Funds of the L'pool Schools Athletic Association for assistance towards (277) the staging of the Lancashire Schools Sports Meeting. F. L. Management Comee. Letter read requesting our support for the election of A. Masser, Esq., to the vacancy on the F. L. Management Commee. created by the loss of the late Mr. W. I. Bassett. It was unanimously agreed that we could not promise our support of this gentleman’s. nomination. Next Meeting Tuesday, the 4th May, at 5.15 pm. Confirmed as correct. W. C. Cuff Chairman.