
		from £2/15/- to £3 per week & G. Sheldrick from 4/- to 5/- per match.
		It was also decided that the Chairman see R. E. Siddell with
		regard to his future desires, & advise the Board accordingly.

Benefits (260)		It was agreed that we apply to the Football
		League to pay Cunliffe £500 & Leyfield £350 as a Benefit.

Northern Midweek Lgue. (148) Decided that we do not accept the
		invitation to become members of this League.

32, Gwladys St. (254)	Mr. T. Percy's action in promising the tenant
		of this house a further £10 (Ten pounds) to cover removal
		expenses &c., in consideration for vacating his premises by
		24th May, 1937, was approved.

Spectator's Report	Secy. reported complaint by spectators
		regarding the conduct of Kelly (Leeds Utd.) regarding
		at the conclusion of our last C. L. Match & it was
		decided that he should write to the Leeds Club,
		reporting the incident.

Hullett (265)		It was agreed that we re-affirm that New
		Brighton F. C.'s offer to this player £2 Summer & £3 Winter. (273)

Catterick (265)		Secy. reported the signing-on of this
		player at £2 Summer & £3 Winter & it was agreed
		that we grant him a Signing on Bonus of £5.

Edwards (267)		It was also reported that this player
		had signed for Season 1937-8 at the terms offered.

London Xcs.		This item was again considered &
		it was agreed that the matter should be dealt with
		in August next.

Army F. A. (148)	Letter read requesting a match at Alder-
		shot on 22nd November 1937. It was agreed that we
		give the Army Association a date during the coming
		Season, & if their suggested date fitted in with
		one of our London or Portsmouth engagements, that
		date be acceded to them.

Players to Tour (264)	Letter read from the Danish International
		Combination requesting that Dean should be included in