
Scotland v England (263) Messrs Cuff, Green & Evans were agreed
		that this had been a very fine match, & they reported
		upon the ability of the individual players.

Wolves Players		Mr. H. Hart & Mr. F. W. Lake stated that Morris, Taylor,
		McGuire, Thompson & Ashall were all very good players.

Reynolds (Accrington)	Neither Messrs Hart nor Fare could
		recommend this O. R.

Jones (Stockport)	Mr. H. R. Pickering gave a good report of this C. H.

Maley (Morton)		Mr. R. R. Cochrane reported that this R. B.
		had done well, & that Smith (L. H.) of Dundee could be got.

N. E. Players		Secy. reported letter from Blyth Spartans
		F. C. re Byers, Bruce, Waller & Rossiter, Mr. W. Lanic could
		not recommend any but the last named.

Gwladys St. Stand	Tenders for the purchase of the existing
		stand were received & it was decided to accept that
		of Walter Spencer, Whose offer was £35.

T. A. White	(12)	Decided to apply for permission to pay
		this player £650 as a Benefit & to give him a free transfer.

W. Edwards	(265)	This players wages for 1937-8 were reconsidered,
		& it was agreed to offer him £2/10/- Summer v £3/10/- Winter, with rail
		contract. (270)

Sheffield Utd.		Secy. reported offer by this Club of £2,000
		for Leyfield & King, but it was decided not to accept same.

Deferred Items		The following items were deferred to next
		Meeting:- Players Benefits, Press Accommodation, Ground Winning,
		Staff, L'pool Nat'l Assoc'n. of Schoolmasters & Northern Midweeks League.

Players Leave	(19)	It was agreed that the usual 1st team
		players remain at Goodison Park until 1st May.

Lancs. F. A.	(197)	Decided that we nominate the retiring
		President, Vice Presidents & Representative of Division.

L'pool Schools Assocn.	Invitation for a Director to attend the
		English Schools Shield Final at Blyth as this Associations
		guest was regretfully declined with thanks.

Letters of Thanks	These read from West Bromwich Albion F. C.