
		of the separate items in the work necessitated. (276)

Catterick, H.	(260)	Secy. reported his interview with
		the players & his parents; & was given powers to sign
		him on part time terms at £2/10/. Summer & £3
		Winter Wages. (270)

Hullett W.	(261)	It was reported that this player
		had been operated upon successfully & it was decided
		that New Brighton F. C. should engage him as previously
		arranged, & that, should he prove unfit, we re- im-
		burse them with his Summer Wages. (270)

Walkden, E.	(260)	Tranmere Rovers F. C. suggested that,
		if this player was transferred with our consent,
		for a sum exceeding £500, they should benefit
		by 25% of the excess transfer. This suggestion was accepted.

Edward, W.	(260)	Secy. was instructed to offer this
		player £2/10/- during the Summer & £3 plus his
		rail contract during the playing season of 1937-38. (267)

Juvenile Instruction Centre Two Guineas was granted as a
		Donation to this Centre's Sports Fund. (274)

Use of Ground		This was granted to the Catholic
		Boys Association & St. Luke's Church.

Letter of Thanks (257)	Read from L'pool Shipping League.

Transfer of Shares	Following was approved:-
		Shares Nod. 1819-1821 from Exors W. R. White to H. S. White. (272)

New Players	(204)	It was decided that Messrs Coffey, Evans,
		& Sec'y. proceed to Wolverhampton to sign Thompson & Morris
		at the maximum figure of £9,000 for both players.
		Mr. W. C. Cuff was requested to negotiate re Jones of
		Stockport County. (267)

Next Meeting		Tuesday, the 20th inst., at 5.15 pm.

					Conformed as correct.
						W. C. Cuff