263 Wolverhampton Players Messrs A. Coffey & J. Sharp were agreed that Thomson was a good player & that Morris had done very well. Mr. W. C. Gibbins gave only a Medicare report of Taylor (I. R.) but a good verdict of McGuine (O. R.) & Westcott, (C. F.). He also recommended McIntosh (O. L.) of Blackpool. Wilson (Gillingham) Mr. G. Evans & Mr. F. W. Lake gave poor reports of this I. R. but the former reported very well of Payne (Luton). Jones (Stockport) Mr. J. Fare gave a very good report of this H. B. Tyson (Accrington) Mr. T. Fleetwood thought this I. R. too small, but recommended that Reynolds (O. R.) be seen again. Docking (N' Castle Utd.) Mr. W. Laine's letter read, stating that this I. L. was 21 or 22, 5'8½" & over 12 st. & had played a very useful game. London Xcs. This was considered & it was decided that it consideration be deferred for a fortnight. W. J. Bassett The Chairman reported that he had attended the funeral of this gentleman, on behalf of the Club, & had instructed the Sec'y. to send a wreath; & a letter of condolence to the relatives. This was confirmed. F. A. Letter (259) Sec'y. read letter from F. A. re incident in match v M/c Utd. on 29th March, 1937. Scotland v England (259) Sec'y. reported that Britton had been chosen for the England XI & the invitation to the F. A. Luncheon prior to the match was accepted by Messrs Green & Evans. (267) Players signed on (256) It was agreed that Arthur's offer he in - crased to £2/10/-. Summer & £3/10/-. Winter, & that the ques - tion as to whether F. A. White be offered terms should be re-considered of the next Meeting. Secy. reported that all other players offered terms had accepted, with the exception of T. G. Jones & Lawton who had asked for increased terms. It was decided that no further offer be made to these two players, but that should