260 W. C. C. anent an omission of £7,500 from their estimates. In view of this amend- ment it was decided that this should be further considered. & Mr. Percy agreed that he would draft a suitable letter to meet the situation that had arisen. (264) F. A. Letter (256) Secy. reported receipt of letter regarding conduct of a certain spectator at our League match on Easter Monday, & that he had replied explaining the facts as we knew them. Interview with Players The Chairman detailed his interview with Cook, Coulter & Morton. Walkden E. (203) Secy. stated that Trammere Rovers were keen to fix with this player for 1937-8, providing that they were given 14 days notice if we desired him. This was agreed. (265) Catterick H. Decided that Secy. interview this player & report to the Board (265) Edwards, W. (254) Secy's. action in discountenancing the pay- ment of Signing on Bonus to this player, was confirmed. (265) Caldwell F. C. It was reported that this Irish amateur G. had been tested in practice & had not proved of the required standard. Cup Final Tkts. These were allocated. P. N. E. Fixture (251) Agreed that this be deferred for con- sideration, until the next meeting. Benefit Matches (209) Britton was released to take part in a match at Bristol on the 26th inst. for W. Pickering's benefit, but an appeal from L. Macpherson for Dean, Britton & Thomson for the same date was not en- tertained. (270) Darwen F. C. Appeal for assistance, financially, read. No action taken. Use of Ground This granted to L'pool Hospital Cup Commee. Letters of Thanks These were read from Toplock Celtic F. C., L'pool Alliance League, St. John A. A. & L'Pool Schools Assocn.