
				[Meeting held at Xchange Hotel,
				L'pool, on Tuesday, 30th Mch., 1937]

		Present:- Messrs W. C. Cuff (Chair), E. Green, A. Coffey, W. C.
			Gibbins, J. Sharp, C. S. Baxter, G. Evans, T. Percy & Sec'y.

			Minutes of Meetings of 23rd & 25th inst.
		(Finance) were read & confirmed.

Finance			Receipts were reported:-
		Gate v Manchester Utd.		£209.16.0
		 do  v	  do	Res.		£53.13.2
		 do  v Manchester City Res.	£81.10.1
			Cheques were signed:-
		Manchester United F. C.		20%		£209.16.0
		Football League			1%		£13.17.0
		L'pool City Police		Services	£16.10.0
		R. R. Cochran			Salary & Xcs.	£19.17.0
		Theo. Kelly			Wages		£324.12.6
		    do				Salary		£41.13.4
			Bank Balance £10,678.4.7 Cr.

Results			Reports were given of the matches:- v Manchester
		Utd. 1-2, 2-3; v Portsmouth 2-2; v Manchester Utd. Res. 3-3, 1-6;
		v Manchester City Res. 3-1; v Runcorn 4-0.

Officials Reports	Dr. W. T. Davies, Messrs T. P. McMurray & H. E. Cooke
		& H. Hart's reports were received.

Teams			The following were chosen:-
		v Chelsea (h) April 3rd
		Morton, Jackson, Cook, Britton, Gee, Watson, Geldard,
		Cunliffe, Dean, Stevenson, Gillick. Res. Mercer.
		v West Bromwich Albion Res. (a)
		King, Jones J. E., Thomson, Bentham, White T. A., Lindley,
		Arthur, Bell, Dickinson, Laidman, Coulter Res. Lambert.

Director to B'ham	Mr. T. Percy.

Payne (Luton)		Mr. W. C. Gibbins gave a very good report of this C. F.