
					[Meeting held at Xchange Hotel,
					L'pool on Tuesday, 23rd March 1937.]

		Present:- Messrs W. C. Cuff (Chair), E. Green, W. C. Gibbins, J
			Sharp, Dr. C. S. Baxter, G. Evans, T. Percy & Sec'y.

			Minutes of Meeting held on the 16th inst.
		were read & confirmed.

Finance			Receipts were reported:-
		Gate v Manchester City				£1978.13.2
		West Bromwich Albion F. C.	20%		£201.13.1
			Cheques were signed:-
		Customs & Excise		Tax		£326.17.4
		M/C City F. C.			20%		£237.10.11
		Football League			1%		£15.16.0
		L'pool City Police		Services	£14.14.0
		Theo. Kelly			Wages &c.	£470.0.0
			Bank Balance £9776.0.7 Cr.

Results			Reports were given of the matches:-
		v M/C City 1-1, v Sheffield Utd. Res. 2-2, v Sth. L'pool Res. 1-1.

Official's Reports	Dr. W. T. Davies, Messrs T. P. McMurray & H. E.
		Cooke's reports were given.

Teams			Following teams were chosen:-
		v Manchester Utd. (a) 26th inst.
		Morton, Jackson, Cook, Britton, Gee, Mercer, Geldard,
		Lawton, Cunliffe, Stevenson, Gillick. Res. Dean.

		v Portsmouth (a) 27th inst.
		Same with Cunliffe for Lawton, Dean for Cunliffe, Lawton for Dean.

		v Manchester Utd. (h) 29th inst.
		Same as 27th inst. with Lawton for Cunliffe & vice versa.

		v Manchester Utd. Res. (h) & (a) 26th & 29th & v Manchester City Res. (h) 27th
		White, Jones J. E., Thomson, Bentham, Jones T. G., Watson,
		Leyfield, Bell, Dickinson, Laidman, Coulter. Res. Hurel.

Drs. to Away matches	With 1st Team, Messrs E. Green & G. Evans.