
W. R. Dean (244)	This player attended the Meeting & was
		asked for an explanation of his actions at various times in
		bringing friends into our railway saloon without previously
		obtaining permission from the official in Charge. After hearing
		him, it was agreed that he be cautioned, & warned that
		he would be open to a penalty if he did not abide by the
		Regulations for Players. (250)

McLean (Hibs)		Mr. E. Green stated that in his opinion
		this player was not nearly so good as McKennan.

McKennan (Thistle)	Letter read stating that Club were not
		considering parting.

Jackson & Owen (Halifax) Mr. G. Evans reported that Jackson (L. B.)
		was 5'10" & had played a class of game equal to C. L.
		standard. Owen was phenomenal in goal, but he did
		not recommend him on account of his lack of inches.

Silk (Southport)	Messrs A. Coffey & H. Hart were similarly minded
		in regarding this player's performance as good but novice-
		like. Mr. J. Fare gave him a very good report & said that he
		was 20, 5'10" & 11 st. Each of the three could not report
		on Rutherford (G.) as he had little or nothing to do.

McCarthy (Bangor)	Mr. H. Lyon gave a very poor report
		of this I. L.

Maley (Morton)		Mr. R. R. Cochran gave a very good
		report of this F. B.

N. E. Players		Mr. W. Laine reported that Conroy (R. B. ) Gateshead,
		Allison (L. B.) Hartlepools, Kerr (R) & Adey (L) of Carlisle
		were the backs that he had had the best reports about.

Morton (A. Villa)	Secy. reported his negotiations with
		the Club & it was agreed that he be empowered
		to sign the player at a maximum fee of £1500;
		- player to receive maximum wages & £10 Signing on Bonus (250).

F. A. Trial Match	It was reported that Britton had been
		chosen to play in this game at Burnley on the 17th inst.,
		& Mr. T. Percy stated that he would probably be able