244 Cairns (Newcastle) He also reported that this forward was to be secured for £5,000 & that Mr. T. Fleetwood had travelled to watch him play in a match that was postponed. Richardson (H'field) Mr. W. Laine gave a poor report of this I. R. McKennan & McLean It was reported that general opinion in Scotland was that the former was a much better I. R. than the latter. McCarthy (Bangor) Mr. F. W. Lake & other's reports read, giving this I. F. a very good name. He was 20, 5' 7" & 10 to 11 stone weight. Danish Tour (241) It was agreed that apart from the players trainers & Directors; Mr. H. Hart travel with the party. (264) F. L. Minutes Secy. read from these that there would be a Conference of the members on Friday, 30th April, 1937 in London. Irish F. A. (195) Permission was granted to this Association, to utilise the services of Cook, Stevenson & Coulter, if desired, on the 17th inst. B'head Hospital Cup (124) Agreed that we were not prepared to send a team to compete in this Competition this year. (254) Chesterfield F. C. (181) Request from this Club, that we send a team to play in a match for H. Hamilton's benefit, was not entertained. Use of Ground. This was granted to the L'pool Football League & the L'pool Schoolboys Association. Letter of Thanks This read from the League of Welldoers. Players on Transfer Lists read from Aston Villa & M/c United F. C.'s but no action taken. Players to Watch Mr. G. Evans to watch Jackson (Halifax). W. R. Dean (208) It was decided that this player be ordered to attend the next meeting, over a disciplinary matter. (247) Next Meeting Tuesday, the 9th inst. @ 5.15 pm. Confirmed as correct. E. Green Chairman.