			[Meeting held at Xchange Hotel,
			L'pool Tuesday, 16th Feby. 1937]

		Present:- Messrs W. C. Cuff, E. Green, A. Coffey, W. C. Gibbins
				W. C. C., C. S. Baxter, G. Evans, T. Percy & Secy.

			Minutes of Meeting held on the 9th inst., were
		read & confirmed.

Finance			Receipts reported were:-
		Gate v Huddersfield Res.		£93.16.1
		do   v   Villa Res.			£76.15.9
			A cheque was signed:-
		Theo. Kelly		Wages & Xcs.	£320.0.0
			Bank Balance £7225.15.4 Cr.

Absent Drs.		It was reported that there was little
		change in Mr. Banks condition but that Mr. Sharp
		was now at home & expected to return to duty,
		in a week's time.

Results.		Reports were given of the matches:- v Wolverhampton
		Wanderers 7-2, v H'field Res. 2-1, v Villa Res. 5-1, v Prescot Cabbs 4-2.

Officials Reports	Dr.  W. T. Davies, Trainer Cooke & Mr. H. Hart
		gave their reports.

Teams			Following teams were chosen:-
		v Tottenham Hotspur (h) 20th inst.
		Sagar, Cook, Jones, Britton, Gee, Mercer, Gillick, Cunliffe,
		Dean, Stevenson, Coulter. Res. Dickinson. He to play if Stevenson
		v Bury Res. (a)
		King, Jackson, Thomson, Bentham, White, Watson, Geldard,
		Hurel, Lawton, Laidman, Leyfield. Res. Jones T. G.

Official to Bury	Mr. J. Fare

Replay Arrangements	If necessary, it was decided to travel to
		London on Sunday, the 21st inst.

Scottish Players	Mr. E. Green thought McKencan (I. R.) very good.