Donations Two Guineas was granted to the L'pool
Central Clothing Committee & Five pounds to Andrew Hannah
our ex-player.
Letter of Thanks This received from the relatives of John Cuff.
Players on Transfer Lists read from Plymouth Argyle & New
Brighton F. C.'s. but no action was taken.
Players to Watch Mr. R. R. Cochran to see McLean (Hibs.)
Secy. to make other arrangements.
Special Training This method of training for the Cup- ties was
suggested but it was agreed that the idea be left in
abeyance for the time being.
Six - a- sides Secy. was instructed to have this item
put on the next week's agenda. (238)
Press Accommodation It was agreed that the matter of this
be considered at one of the Meetings towards the end
of April, 1937.
Next Meeting Tuesday, the 16th inst, at 5.15 pm.
Confirmed as correct.
W. C. Cuff