			[Meeting Held at Xchange Hotel,
			Liverpool on Tuesday, 9th Feb'y., 1937.]

			Minutes of Meeting held on the 2nd inst.
		were read & confirmed.

Finance			Receipts were reported:-
		Gate v Sunderland		£2487.11.10
		Huddersfield Town F. C. 20% 	£  34.10. 9

			Cheques were signed for :-
		Customs & Excise	Tax	£410.12.2
		Sunderland F. C.	20%	£302.13.1
		Football League		1%	£ 20. 0.6
		L'pool City Police	Service	£ 15.19.0
		Theo Kelly	      Wages &c.	£350. 0.0
			Bank Balance £6453.14.3 Cr.

Absent Drs.		Secy. reported upon the latest information
		regarding Messrs Banks & Sharp & a letter from Mrs.
		Sharp was read.

Results			Reports were given of the matches v Huddersfield
		Town 3-0, v Sunderland 3-0, & Derby County Res. 2-1 & v U. G. B, 2-2.

Officials Reports	Those of Dr. Davies, Trainer Cooke & Mr. H. Hart
		were given to the Meeting.

Teams			The following were selected:-
		v Wolverhampton W. (a) 13th inst.
		Sagar, Cook, Jones, Britton, White, Mercer, Gillick, Cunliffe,
		Lawton, Stevenson, Coulter Res. Gee.

		v Huddersfield Town Res. (h) 10th inst.
		King, Jackson, Thompson, Bentham, Jones, Watson, Geldard,
		Bell, Lawton, Laidman, Leyfield. Res. F. White.

		v Aston Villa Res. (h) 13th inst.
		Same as v Huddersfield excepting Dickinson for Lawton & Cuff for F. White.

Drs. to Wolverhampton	Messrs E. Green, A. Coffey, W. C. Gibbins & G. Evans.

Toll (Burnley)		Mr. H. Hart was not enamored of this player's