231 & Mr. Leitch stated that further accommodation so far as drainage was concerned, could be provided. He further stated & submitted details to the effect, that the approximate cost of the Stand including his fees would be £34,602.12.4; that the steelwork for which a tender had been received for £14,084.1.0, would require placing immediately; & that all other items in the construction were approximate & included £1,000 for Contingencies. After discussion & consideration it was resolved that the Gwladys St. Double Decked Stand as planned & specified by Mr. Leitch, be proceeded with forthwith; & that the Architect be instructed to accept the steelwork tender of Francis Mortons of Liverpool & place the order for the said steelwork forthwith. (233) Players to Watch Mr. H. Hart to watch Toll (Burnley). Next Meeting Tuesday 2nd February at 5.15.pm. Confirmed as correct. W. C. Cuff Chairman. [Meeting of Sub- Committee at No 6, Castle St., 1st February, 1937.] Present:- Messrs E. Green, W. C. Gibbins & T. Percy. F. A. Cup 5th Rnd. (224) Sec'y. reported that we were drawn to play v Tottenham Hotspurs at home. It was agreed that seats be booked at 5/- in the Members & Shareholders Stand & Blocks Dr. E. & F. Goodison Rd, & ab 3/6 in the Nth. & Sth. Ends of Bullens Rd. & Block A, B, C, G, H, & K. Sec'y. was empowered to book the Goal stand at 3/6d if necessary. Confirmed as correct W. C. Cuff Chairman.