
		he fancied was Miles, the O. R., who was rather small.

Scottish Players	Mr. R. R. Cochran reported well of Carabine,
		Hart & Mason of Third Lanark.

Nth. Eastern do.	Mr F. W. Lake could not recommend
		either Heywood (G) or Alderson (L. B.) of Spennymoor.
		Mr. W. Laine did not think Goodall (G) of Nth. Shields,
		as good as Heywood.

Singleton (Skem.)	Mr. E. Cooper gave an excellent report
		of this 14 year old C. H. Decided to offer him a
		trial in our 'A' Team.

Garston (P. V.)		Sec'y. reported that the Club would transfer
		this C. F. for £500, but it was decided that we were not interested.

New Stand	(219)	It was reported that Mr. A. Leitch had
		now deposited the new approved plans with the City (229)
		Surveyor & that his estimates would shortly be ready.

Joiner		(35)	The present Trade Union Wage being
		£3/18/2 per week, it was agreed to increase this employee's
		wages to £4 per week.

Postponed Matches	Confirmation was given to the suggested
		new dates as follows:- v Huddersfield Town (a) Feby. 3rd
		or 10th & v Huddersfield Town Res. (h) Feb'y. 10th.

Film of Cup Tie		Permission was granted to British
		Movietonews, to film our 4th Rnd. F. A. Cup-tie. (235)

J. McGill		The death of this ex-player was
		reported & it was agreed that a wreath be sent.

Lawton		(220)	Applications for removal expenses
		was not entertained.

Use of Ground		Applications from the Midweek League
		& L'pool Schoolboys were read. The former was
		granted, but the latter was left for consideration on
		Tuesday next, if they failed with their L'pool F. C. request.

Donations		One guinea was granted to the Railway
		Benevolent Institution, but the request of St. Malachy's
		F. C. for further aid, was refused.