225 [Meeting of Directors held at Xchange Hotel, L'pool, 19th Jan'y. 1937.] Present:- Messrs W. C. Cuff (Chair), E. Green, A. Coffey, W. C. Gibbins, J. Sharp, Dr. G. Evans, T. Percy, & Sec'y. The Minutes of Meetings held on 12th & 18th inst., were read & confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were:- Gate v Bournemouth & B. A. £2224.18.7 Cheques were signed for:- Customs & Xcise £367.3.11 Football League 1% £8.9.4 Bournemouth & B. A. 50% & Xcs. £915.14.4 L'pool City Police Services £19.17.6 Theo. Kelly Wages £311.7.6 Bank Balance £4950.4.4 Reports re Matches Results were reported:- v Bournemouth 5-0, Oldham Ath. Res. 1-1, New Brighton Res. 2-1. Dr. & Trainer's Reports Dr. W. T. Davies & Trainer Cooke's reports on the physical condition of the men, were considered. Teams Following teams were chosen:- v Liverpool (a) 23rd inst. Sagar, Cook, Jones, Britton, Gee, Mercer, Gillick, Cunliffe, Dean, Stevenson, Coulter. Res. White. v L'pool Res. (h) White, Jackson, Thomson, Bentham, Jones T. G., Watson, Leyfield, Hurel, Lawton, Laidman, Trentham, Res. Bell. Official at Home Mr. H. Hart. Payne (Luton) Secy. reported that the Club were prepared to part with this player after finishing in the F. A. Cup. Bowden (Arsenal) Letter read from Club that they were not transferring this player at present. Clapton Players Mr. J. H. Ford reported that the only player