
Results			Reports were received of the matches:-
		v P. N. E. 2-2, v Brentford 2-2, v Burnley Res. 2-0, v L'pool "A" 1-0 v B. I. Social 4-3.

Official Reports	Dr. W. T. Davies, Messrs H. Hart, & H. E. Cooke gave
		their reports. It was decided that J. Cuff std. have an examination
		by Mr. T. P. McMurray.

Teams			Following teams were chosen:-
		v Bolton Wanderers (h) 9th inst.
		Sagar, Cook, Jones, Britton, Gee, Mercer, Gillick, Cunliffe,
		Dean, Stevenson, Coulter Res. Leyfield.

		v Bolton Wanderers Res.
		King, Jackson, Thomson, Bentham, White, Watson, Geldard,
		Jones, Lawton, Laidman, Trentham. Res. Bell.

Dr. to Bolton		Mr. T. Percy.

T. Lawton 	(218)  	Confirmation was given to the signing on
		of this player at £6 per week, £1 extra in 1st team, & £10
		Signing-on Bonus; & the addition to the ground staff
		of James Hugh Riley at a wage of £2 per week. (226)

Gorman			Sec'y. reported that this player was now
		on offer at £7,500, & that Blackburn Rovers were
		prepared to consider taking one or two players in
		part exchange. Decided that Messrs Gibbins, Sharp
		& Evans watch him on Saturday, & if necessary,
		negotiate on the cases already fixed for Bell & Leyfield.

Connor 		(217)	The Chairman reported his interview with
		Sunderland, who were not intending to transfer the player.

Bangor Players		Mr. J. Fare thought only the L. H. Gulliver might
		be worth seeing again. He was 5'8".

Scotch Players		On this weeks showing, Mr. R. R. Cochran
		prepared Smith (Dundee) to Harvey (Hearts).

McDowall (S'land)	Mr. W. Laine gave a good report of McDowell
		L. H., who could be bought at a price. The Chairman read
		correspondence between Stockport County & himself re the
		conduct of Mr. Laine on the 26th Dec'r. It was decided that
		Mr. Laine be warned agst. any repetition of his action.