219 [Meeting of Directors held at Xchange Hotel, L'pool, Tuesday, 5th Jan'y. 1937] Present:- Messrs. W.C. Cuff (Chair) & E. Green, A. Coffey, W. C. Gibbins, J. Sharp, Dr. C. S. Baxter, G. Evans, T. Percy & Sec'y. Minutes of meetings held on the 29th & 31st Decr. & 1st inst., were read & confirmed. New Stand Mr. A. Leitch attended the Meeting & detailed the progress of his interviews with the responsible Corporation Officials, as a result of which he had withdrawn his former plans. He submitted revised plans necessitating a reduction of 1400 in the anticipated extra accommodation. These plans were passed by the Board, & it was agreed that he be given permission to submit the Block Plan to the Corporation. (226) He stated that he would be in a position to give an estimate of the cost of the erection in a fortnights' time. Finance Receipts were reported:- Gate v Preston Nth End £1776.5.6 do v Burnley Res. £144.14.11 Derby County F. C. 20% £165.2.0 Cheques were signed for:- Customs & Excise Tax £294.0.5 Preston Nth. End F. C. 20% £210.1.9 Football League 1% £14.2.10 L'pool City Police Services £17.17.0 Burnley F. C. Bal Lawton's Fee £5750.0.0 R. R. Cochran Wages & Xcs. £22.19.6 W. Laine do £13.10.9 Theo Kelly Wages & Res. £321.7.6 Bank Balance £3603.1.6