218 [Meeting held at 6, Castle St., L'pool on Thursday, 31st Decr. 1936] Present:- Messrs W. C. Cuff, E. Green, J. Sharp, Dr. C. S. Baxter, G. Evans, T. Percy & Sec'y. Lawton. T. Sec'y. reported that the Burnley Club had offered this player at £6,500. It was decided to accept this offer, & Sec'y. to proceed forthwith with powers up to £7 per week wages & signing on bonus of £10. (220) Bell R. C. It was agreed that this player be valued at £2,000 for transfer purposes, if necessary. Team changes If Lawton was secured, he to play vice Bell on the 2nd Jany. & Lindley to take the place of T. A. White (injured) Confirmed as correct W. C. cuff Chairman [Meeting held at Goodison Park Friday, 1st. Jany, 1937] Present:- All Directors & Sec'y. Teams The following additional revisions were made in the original selections contained in the minutes of the 29th ult. Coulter for Leyfield & vice versa. Lambert for Watson & the latter to travel on reserve to Brentford. Bell to become reserve player v Burnley Res. Confirmed a correct W. C. Cuff Chairman.