217 King, Jackson, Morris, Bentham, White, Watson, Geldard, Jones T. G., Bell, Laidman, Coulter. Res. - Lambert. Drs. to London Not definitely decided. Jones & Hill (Stockport) Messrs Hart & Laine gave similar reports of the former who appeared to be a purely defensive C. H. Mr. Hart thought little of Hill, whilst, Mr. Laine was favorably impressed. Shephard (Willington) Mr. Laine again gave a good report of this F. B. Shafto (L'pool) Mr. H. R. Pickering gave a very bad report of this O. R. Harvey (Hearts) Mr. R. R. Cochran thought this H. B. was a better proposition than Smith of Dundee. Terry Day It was agreed to offer this London Amateur, a trial during the coming week-end. Foreign Tours Requests received from France & the Argentine. Decided to defer consideration for a week. J. Smith This gentleman having offered his services as our representative in Ireland, same was declined. Use of Ground (182) This granted to Unemployed Comee. for Final tie on 15th Mch., 1937. Letter of Thanks These read from C. E. Sutcliffe, W. C. Cuff, Bootle Kiddies Fund & Cancer Hospital Committee. A. Geldard Enquiry reported from P. N. E. F.C. re this player. Connor (Sunderland) It was agreed that the Chairman make enquiries at Birkdale, as to the possibility of us acquiring this player. (220) Leyfield For exchange purposes, this player was valued at £4,000. Player to Watch Mr. T. Fleetwood to watch Shephard (Willington). Ground Committee Meeting of this Committee was called for the 30th inst. at noon at Goodison Park. (269) Next Meeting Tuesday 5th Jany. at 5:15 p.m. Confirmed as correct W. C. Cuff Chairman