
		not of C. L. standard.

Lawton & Richardson	Secy. reported that the former was not for
(Burnley)	transfer, but the latter's  price was £3,000. No further
		action was taken after hearing Messrs Gibbins & Evans
		reports of the player, whom neither could recommend.

Steel (B'ham)		Mr. T. Fleetwood gave a poor report of
		this F. B.

Jones (Stockport)	Mr. F. W. Lake stated that this C. H. had
		played fairly well, but mainly a defensive game. J.H.C.

Jefferson (Q. P. R.)	Mr. H. Lyon gave a poor report of this L. B.

Harvey (Hearts)		Letter read from the Club that they were
		not parting with any half-backs just now.

Matthews (Stoke) (209)	Mr. W. C. Cuff stated the Club were not
		prepared to transfer this player at present.

Shepherd (Willington)	Mr. D. Laine's letter was read & it was
		decided that he see this player again.

J. Fare		(199)	Secy. reported that this employee
		was now back at his Office duties.

Donation		Two Guineas was granted to the
		Bootle Kiddies Xmas Treat Fund.

Collection		Permission was granted to the Committee
		of the Cancer Hospital to take collection on Feby. 6th.

Letters of Thanks	These read from Alderman H. Walker of
		Everton & the Walton Conservative Club.

Players on Transfer	Lists read from Doncaster Rovers & Totten-
		ham Hotspurs, but no action taken.

Trentham D.		Agreed that this player be offered a pro-
		fessional engagement, terms to be left to the Chairman to fix.

R. C. Bell	(183)	Enquiring from Cardiff City reported, but
		decided to defer consideration for a few weeks.

Players to Watch	Arrangements left to Secy.

Next Meeting		Tuesday 29th Decr. at 5:15 p.m.
					Confirmed as correct
						W. C. Cuff