212 this C. F. & also of Taylor O. R. who was only 16. Norris (Scunthorpe) Mr. J. W. Gibbins gave a poor report of this I. L. but a good verdict on Stocks (L. H.) of the same Club. N. E. Players It was decided that Sheppard, F. B. of Wiliington be invited down for a trial, on Mr. W. Laine's recommendation. Matthews (Stoke) Secy. reported that the Club were not parting with this player & it was decided that the Chairman have a word with Stoke in an endeavour to secure him. F.A. Cup 3rd. Rnd. Decided that the members & Shareholders, Blocks D, E & F be booked for the match with Bournemouth on 16th d Jany. at 3/6 per head. (224) Danish Tour (169) It was agreed to defer consideration this until we had information as to the amount guaranteed for expenses. M. Lindley (209) Letter read from the player & it was decided to offer him £5 per week. Cup Medal It was reported that J. Dunn's medal could be purchased for 5 Guineas, but no action was taken. Donation Two Guineas granted to the Everton Poor Childern's Xmas Treat Fund. Letters of Thanks These read from Mr. & Mrs. W. R. Dean & the Workmen's Mission. Players on Transfer Lists read from Bolton Wanderers & Manchester City F.C.'s. but no action taken. Next meeting Monday, the 21st, inst., at 5:15 p.m. Confirmed as correct W. C. Cuff. Chairman.