204 21, Goodison Ave. Agreed that a bath be put in this house, at a cost not exceeding £15. Players on Transfer List read from Leicester City F.C. No action taken. Transfer of Shares (204) Shares 1398, 326, 327 from C. M. Scorgie to S. Hague, was approved. (257) Letters of Thanks Read from Major St. J.F.C., Football League port Vale F.C., & Scottish F.A. Message also from Mrs. E. Butler. New Players It was decided that enquiries be made of the following Clubs with regard to the players named:- Glasgow Rangers re Venters Wolves F.C. re Clayton & Galley Stockport County re Jones (265) J. V. Lewis Agreed that we cancel the Registrations of this Amateur player. A. J. Milliken Decided to donate 2½ Guineas to the Royal Infirmary, in return for certain interesting souvenirs of the early days of this Club's history. Next Meeting Thursday, 3rd December at 5:15 p.m. Confirmed as Correct W. C. Cuff Chairman