199 [Meeting of Directors held at Exchange Hotel, Liverpool on Monday, 16th Novr. 1936] Present: - Messrs W. C. Cuff (Chair), E. Green, A. Coffey, W. C. Gibbins, J. Sharp, Dr. C. S. Baxter, G. Evans, T. Percy & Secy. Minutes of last Meetings of Ground & Finance Committees & of Meeting held on 9th inst., were read & confirmed. Finance Receipt was reported of:- Gate v Sheffield Utd. Res. £57.8.11 A cheque was signed for:- Theo. Kelly Wages & Xes. £300.0.0 Bank Balance £3801.8.6 Cr. It was agreed that the Secy. write to the Manager of the Exchange Hotel, complaining of the poor quality of the dinner served on the evening of the 20th ultimo. Port Vale F.C. (195) Messrs Hemtbach & Morgan attended the Meeting, & after Mr. T. P. McMurray's report re Dick- inson had been read, it was agreed that this player be re-transferred to us, providing that he was prepared to accept his original wage of £4 per week. Mr. Hemtbach thanked the Directors for their kindly consideration of his Club's financial position. Results Reports were given of the matches:- v M/c City 1-4; v Sheffield Utd. Res. 2-0; v Prescot Cables 1-3. Officials Reports Dr. Davies, Trainer Cooke & Mr. Hart gave their reports. It was decided to have an X-ray taken of Cuff's ankle. Teams Following teams were chosen:- v Portsmouth (h) 21st inst. Sagar, Cook, Jones J. E., Britton, Gee, Mercer, Gillick, Cunliffe, Dean, Stevenson & Coulter. Res. - Webster. v M/c City Res.(a) King, Lambert, Jackson, Bentham, Thomson, Lindley, Geldard,