194 T. E. Jeffries This ex-soldier was granted a pass for him to view the matches from a wheeled chair. Welsh Flag It was agreed to accept Mr. E. Robbins, offer to supply a Welsh Flag for use in our Boardroom. (196) J. Stein (174) Decided to grant £5 to this tenant towards the cost of re-decorating No. 15 Goodison Ave. Boys Brigade Use of Goodison Park for a Church Parade was granted for a Sunday in June, with a proviso not to be permitted to use the playing pitch itself. Letters of Thanks These read from the Central League & the Irish F.A. Players on Transfer List read from Bradford, Burnley & Bolton Wanderers F.C.'s. Collection Agreed to grant the British Legion permission to take a collection on Nov. 7th. Players to Watch Mr. H. Hart to watch McKennan & Lawton. Next Mtg. Tuesday, the 10th inst. at 5:15 p.m. Confirmed as correct W. C. Cuff Chairman.