
		v Blackpool Res. (a)
		King, Lambert, Morris, Thomson, Jones, T. G., Watson,
		Arthur, Hurel, Bell, Joyce, Coulter. Res. - Hannon.

Drs. away		To West Ham:- Messrs W. C. Cuff & E. Green.
			Blackpool:- Mr. W. C. Gibbins.

Gorman (B'Burn)		Reported that the Club had refused an
		offer of £7,000 last week for this F. B.

Stoke Players		Mr. W. C. Gibbins was not too impressed
		with any, but liked Chesters (O. L.) & Spedding (R. H.) Huddersfield.

Lawton (Burnley)	Messrs J. Sharp & T. Percy formed a good opinion
		of this 17 yr. old C. F. & the latter thought Battery (I. L.) of
		Bury, had played well.

Beattie (Kilmarnock)	Mr. G. Evans liked this player but did
		not recommend him, owing to his size.

Eastham (Bolton)	Mr. H. Hart did not recommend this I. F.

Furness (Leeds)		Mr. T. Fleetwood thought this I.F. good but
		small. He strongly fancied C. F. Trainer of the same team.

Patrick (Southport)	Mr. J. Fare gave a very poor report of
		this C. F.

McKennan (Partick)	Mr. R. R. Cochran gave a fair report of
		this I. R.

Shafto (Hexham)		Decided to offer this O. R. a trial in
		the 'A' Team.

Chelsea & Charlton	For the former match on 28th Novr. it was
		decided to travel on the Friday, making Brighton the
		headquarters from then until Wedy., Dec. 2nd returning to
		L'pool after the Hungarian Internatl. match at Highbury.
			For  Charlton, leave L'pool Friday
		& return on Saty. evening.

Coach			It was agreed that the Chairman
		interview Mr. H. Hart.

Players Billiard H'cap (72) Decided to grant £5/5/- for this Competition.

J. I. C.	(164)	The Edge Hill branch of this organization
		was granted 30 paddock tkts. for each Central League match.