187 Director to Stoke Mr. W. C. Gibbins. Scotland v Germany Messrs Green & Evans reported their views of the players in this International match. McKennan (Partick T.) Mr. E. Green stated that this I. L. was 19, big & good. He seemed definitely right-footed. Payne (Luton) & Messrs G. Evans & Secy. were agreed in Reed (Watford) their approval of the merits of the former (I. R.) who was 22, but could not recommend the latter (L. H.). Jones (Stockport) Mr. T. Fleetwood gave a very good report of this H. B. who had played in each H. B. position. He was 23 & 5'8½". Barron (B. Auckland) Mr. W. Lanie gave a very good report of this O. L. F.L. v Scottish F.L. It was formally reported that Bean, Gee, & Britton had been selected for the Football League on the 21st inst. Decided that the Secy. congratulate the players on behalf of the Board. Sunderland F.C. Letter read stating that this Club were not prepared to part with Carter or Russell. Ireland v Scotland (191) Letters read requesting the release of Cook, Stevenson & Gillick. Agreed that Cook only be released. F.A. Letter It was reported that W. R. Dean had been cautioned in the match v Wolverhampton Wands. Loud Speaker (169) It was decided to purchase an emergency turn table for use with the Marconi apparatus at a cost of Four pounds. C. L. & London Comb. Agreed that we nominate King or F. White, Jones T. G., & Thomson for this Inter League match on 7th Nov. (191) Score Board (169) Estimates of the Automatic Electronic Co. were produced & considered informally. Transfer of Shares (167) Following transfer was approved:- Shares No. 2105, 2106 from C. S. Clayton to H. I. Bochinsky Shares Nos. 2340 do F. E. do do. (191) Players to Watch Mr. H. Hart to see Batton Mr. G. Evans do Jones.